DC-8 (Pretty interesting Box)
DC-8 (Pretty interesting Box) This box is fun though as i suppose this was built to cover proof of concept(2FA).Which, is good for OSCP (told by some wise person) so, i decided to do this machine.You can download this from DC-8 Breaching Process Finding IP Nmap Enumeration Browsing HTTP service Enumerating directory Got drupal (further enumerating version from change.log -> but dead end ) Exploitation sql injection got credentials (hash password) cracking password using john gaining reverse shell from contact form (executing php code in server sending mail) Privilege Escalation exploiting exim to get root permission (using proof of concept from exploit db) Let's breach; First of scanning network using namp.Found ip to be while scanning again from nmap i surf in the browser and found out to be a drupal. so, the scan was completed and the result from nmap There was not s...