DC-8 (Pretty interesting Box)
DC-8 (Pretty interesting Box)
This box is fun though as i suppose this was built to cover proof of concept(2FA).Which, is good for OSCP (told by some wise person) so, i decided to do this machine.You can download this from DC-8
Breaching Process
Finding IP
- Nmap
- Browsing HTTP service
- Enumerating directory
- Got drupal (further enumerating version from change.log -> but dead end )
- sql injection
- got credentials (hash password)
- cracking password using john
- gaining reverse shell from contact form (executing php code in server sending mail)
Privilege Escalation
- exploiting exim to get root permission (using proof of concept from exploit db)
Let's breach;
First of scanning network using namp.Found ip to be
while scanning again from nmap i surf in the browser and found out to be a drupal.
so, the scan was completed and the result from nmap
There was not so much port open so, though the robots.txt was interesting so i keep remind of that url
the result of robot was
it remind me of doing of hack-os or hack-nos (forgot the name) the version of drupal was showed from CHANGELOG.txt url
i hit it .so, the result was
I believe there was no any vulnurability.But there was a sqlerror in nid?=1 parameter that was quit interesting.
and now pretty much work was done by sqlmap.so, cool dumping all username and password using sqlmap.you just have to wait and watch
First of all, database name was showned
and then username and password.However ,there was a huge list of information dumped i scrolled up and up finally..
as the hashed password it was cracked by john.i copied the hashed text in hash.txt and fire-up the john that's it the hashed was cracked in a second.
Here, for login read the robots.txt output
Then i login in drupal panel using the credentials
Boom that was it i got logged in
and i read a blog where having a credentials would give a permission to execute a code (PHP) and eventually getting reverse shell.
Now let's begin
From pentest monkey you can get the reverse shell
change the ip and port
and then make it a PHP code (we are sending a mail and that mail will execute as code and we will get reverse shell)
Then save the configuration :
After saving form has been updated box will appear as below
click in view then
i just type random to send email
nc -lvp 3333
make a reverse shell calll from your machine and then click in submit
you will get reverse shell
Now, we enter into the server as www-data.The remaining part is to get root access
spawning a bash from python will be better option if you want
Is there any privilege escalation.so, i check the permission which can be run as root
Found the exim4 but i don't know more about exim4 (first time i have heard)
Googling about it i found pretty interesting vulnerability.
Now i have to import into the box and run it then boom i will get root.it was well documented. Anybody with programming skills can make hands dirty pretty fast from this exploit.
So, without time consuming i go for hunt
Downloaded the exploit name as exploit.sh
and fire up the python server
wget working in victim machine
i downloaded in tmp directory
then give a executable permission
As, like the script said give permission and then run a command
./exploit.sh -m setuid
and after finishing that command then run
./exploit.sh -m netcat
then id wow that's it
we got root
then head towards the root directory and
Boom the flag is there
Happy hacking :)
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