Wordpress Reverse Shell

Wordpress Reverse Shell

This post is related to WordPress security testing to identify what will be possible procedure to exploit WordPress by compromising admin console. We have already setup WordPress in our windows 7 machine.

Table of Content
1) Metasploit Framework
3) Upload PHP reverse shell
4) Getting reverse shell connection

Host machine: WordPress
Attacker machine: Kali Linux
WordPress Credential: admin: password

Let's begin

1) 1st Method 

The site which we are going to test is:

i login into the wordpress admin

Now i check upload the reverse shell (PHP) using metasploit

BOOOOOOM : I got the interactive shell of windows 7 machine

Let's breach in another way

2) 2nd Method

I have already done login into wordpress using admin and password


Create a PHP code file using msfvenom

Now Go to the Apprereance -> Theme editor -> 404.php templetes

past a php code we created

then listen a reverse shell using msfconsole or netcat
Load the the page which will call 404.php file from browser
Then the server will execute the php code and we got the reverse shell

Happy Hacking :)


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