Stapler (Walkthrough)
Stapler (Walkthrough) This Box Is From Vulhub You Can Download It From Link . i pwned this box by doing wordpress enumeration and an old exploit of ubuntu 16.04 which help me to get root permission. Breaching Process Finding IP Nmap Enumeration Browsing HTTP and HTTPS service Deep nmap scan for all ports found (12380) running in https Enumerating directory using nikto Found robots.txt and other useful direcotry Exploitation Injecting php code in plugin Got reverse shell in meterpreter Privilege Escalation Further enumeration found old Ubuntu (16.04) Got root permission (compiling bunch of exoloit) Let's Breach Using nmap scan i found the box ip address.The ip address was I browse the ip to see there was port 80 open and let the nmap scan There was not any interesting thing in 80 port.After seeing the and found nothing i go for nmap scan. There was bunch ...